Get Involved

4 Ways to get involved

  • Follow us
  • Share our Story
  • Sponsor us
  • Volunteer with us

Follow Us:

Things will be moving fast this year as we bring together the organization and infrastructure necessary to field a successful FRC team in 2025. Be sure to follow our social media accounts to keep up to date on the latest news, updates and specific calls for help we may have. 

Share our Story:

Help us spread the word about BCR – as a new organization we’re looking to make new connections in the community. Having visibility in the community help ensures the team gets the support it needs and facilitates finding participants, supporters, sponsors and fundraising activities.  If you know of someone who is interested in, or passionate about technology and robotics please let them know about us!

The About Us page is a great way to introduce the team to someone, or share posts from any of our social accounts:

If you want to put someone in touch directly with us please email

Sponsor Us:

Building and sustaining a FIRST Robotics team requires substantial. With our substantial experience in FRC the BCR team has an in-depth understanding of what’s involved in making this happen. Despite what appears to be daunting numbers we’re confident there is the support within this community to make this happen on a scale that serves the need within our city. 

There are a few ways you can support this program financially or in kind: 

Become a sponsoring community partner

We’re looking for organizations who can provide sustained, predictable financial, services or material support for BCR on a seasonal or ongoing basis. If you represent an organization, or know of one, who may be interested in working with us please reach out

Donate Materials or Tools

Unfortunately robots don’t grow on trees, each season requires a substantial amount of material to prototype, test, refine and build the team’s robots. Check out our current Amazon Wishlist for the materials we reliably need – however if you have something not on the list you think might be of use please contact us, we’re surprisingly good about making use of just about anything!

Make a one-time or ongoing contribution
With a community team, every dollar counts. If you’re an individual or organization who wants to make a one-time or recurring donation, we appreciate your support

Fundraising Opportunities 

We’re always on the lookout for fundraising ideas or opportunities within our community. If you have a business that has community support/fundraising opportunities, or just have suggestions on places we can engage or events we can run to raise funds we’re all ears. Please drop us a note!

Volunteer with Us:

Many hands make light work – we’re still getting things set up and rolling so there aren’t specific asks just yet. However, if you’re interested in volunteering with us we would appreciate the help – let us know about your areas of interest through this form and we’ll be in touch!

We’ll also update this page when we have specific needs for volunteers as well.